Posts tagged hj
How Boundaries Help Protect Relationships

[2 min read] We often see people with boundaries as strict, distant or selfish, but protecting your space doesn’t mean you’re selfish. It is a way of showing self love and appreciation to yourself. Many of us have negative associations with boundaries. Perhaps we've been hurt or felt rejected by others' "no"s. Perhaps we've seen time and time again that people have not responded well to our "no"s.

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Developing Intimacy and Dealing with Relationship Triggers

[2 min read] Interpersonal relationships, romantic or otherwise, are where the spiritual practice, self-growth, and healing all gets put to the test. It's easy to say we've changed until we are forced to practice and inhabit that change in the presence of another. In truth, the stakes are always higher in relationship. Our relationships are where we struggle, mess up, where all our attachment issues, fears, pain, trauma, and beliefs about ourselves and the world come out from the trenches. It is also where we find our greatest lessons staring us right in the eyes.

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How Anger Connects Us To Truth

[3 min read] When was the last time you held your rage as sacred? Or truly felt it was safe to feel anger? I hold the belief that anger can connect us - it is an entrypoint, a truth-teller, a portal to our deepest wounds and our shared humanity. Training the body that it is safe to feel anger is an epic battle in and of itself. Here’s how to make it feel safe to feel anger…

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Our Struggles Are Intertwined

[4 min read] Anti-racist work is the most transformative work we could possibly do. Our healing and mental health practices are neither just nor sustainable until they directly address racism and white supremacy at its core. Our mental health training institute that myself and other amazing folks have built over the last few years, The Institute for the Development of Human Arts (IDHA) has released a self-paced, online class we held live earlier this year called OUR STRUGGLES ARE INTERTWINED: INTERSECTIONS OF MENTAL HEALTH & OPPRESSION . We're inviting you to take it now if you're interested in the intersections of race and mental health as a provider, supporter, or advocate…

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Jazmine Russellhj, y
Simple Methods for Emotional Release

[5 min read] We are slowly learning to accept the deep well of emotion that lives inside us all. The thing is, we have so much practice keeping it all in, no one has taught us how to emotionally release. There is incredible freedom on the other side of pain. Emotions only lessen their grip when we process and release them. Stuck on ways to do this? It happens to be one of my specialties…

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