Plan Your Month & week with me

Want a leisurely chatty plan-with-me video featuring a monthly setup and weekly set up in my planner? Grab a cup of tea and enjoy the cozy planning session.

I’m very proud of my monthly/weekly planning system. It took me six years to really hone and it balances my desire for ease and spaciousness with actually getting shit done! Planning for me is not about fitting more into the day but being reflective about every aspect of my life. With all the distractions that come our way in life, living intentionally and reflexively really requires a system, a method that’s unique to you and allows you to slow down and assess. If you want more ease too, sit down, have a tea and plan along with me.

What you will need:

  • planner

  • some fun pens/highlighters

  • optional: Notion for digital planning

Some of the pens I love:

- Papermate Flair M

- Pilot Friction Point (erasable pen)

- Tombow Brush Pen (I use it as a highlighter.)

My Planning System

What initiated me into creating my own type of planning system is that I couldn’t find one that was vision and goals focused. While most planning systems offer a place to track some of your goals or projects, it was never to the extent that I wanted to strategize around my longer term goals.

For me, the 10-year, 3-year and 1-year goal system works the best because I can really see where I want to be in 10 years, what I need to do to get there within 3 years and then also what I’m choosing to prioritize and focus on this year.

Using Notion to plan

Unless you are new to my blog, you probably know that I am a huge Notion fan. I made a Notion template for myself, which is also available for anyone who wants to use it. While I’m doing my monthly check-in in my planner, I might update certain pages in Notion. I will review my milestones, monthly reviews in Notion, my habits in the past month, content that I created…

NOTION LIFE DASHBOARD: Goal Setting,Vision Casting & Project Managing for Creatives, Freelancers, & Entrepreneurs

Crave a complete, done-for-you system that keeps your goals, projects, visions, and inspiration all in one place?

No more switching between project management systems and daily planners, this digital system is an easy and gorgeous way to balance it all. This system helps you easily switch between big-picture goals and the week-to-week details so you don't miss a thing.

Weekly Brain Dump

I usually start my week with a brain dump. A brain dump is just writing out whatever it is that’s on your mind and just getting it down on paper.

Question prompts for a brain dump:

  • What do you need to do?

  • What are you feeling worried about?

  • What is coming up this week?

  • Is there anything that feels unfinished?

  • Are there any deadlines coming up?

  • Are there things that you should do, but you’ve been carrying over from week to week?

  • Are there things you want to do, but haven’t quite made time for?

  • What are your thoughts and feelings at the start of this month?

After you’ve written down everything that is on your mind, it is time to sort it into three sections:

  1. Should do

  2. Currently doing

  3. Want to do

This process makes weekly planning way easier, and it saves so much brain space because your brain space is precious!

I like to plan my week by organizing them into open projects (a method that I learned from Hillary Rushford). Listing tasks by projects is crucial for people that are multi-passionate because it helps you realize when you have way too many open projects that you’re trying to work on at once!

I try to keep my open projects around five or less in any given week.

Small tasks that don’t go under any projects I will add them in my “Ticky-Tacky” section. I will put all tasks that are one-off, small tasks like getting groceries or doing laundry or making a money transfer…

As a part of weekly planning, I also have an “Up Next” section where I list things that I’m not necessarily working on this week, but need to prioritize next week.

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